Friday, 13 August 2010

One and One

Entry #15 - One and One

Today's post is quite a cheaky take on how males and females treat love. I think that woman are always living 'in the clouds' and no worries enter their mind, it's all happiness. Whereas men will stay practical and try to realise what a relationship will mean to their lives. You are always seeing men saying things like 'trying to take football away from me would be like cutting off my right arm' or something equally ridiculous and woman talking about how they've 'planned my ideal wedding ever since I was a kid' etc etc.

The link between today's and yesterday's posts is the development of the concept of 'roads' and how this translates into life and different paths we take and with whom.

I wanted to mix techniques (hand-painted, digitally painted) to try to emphasise this difference and keep the theme distinct. The background is also very simple as I did not want to detract from the focal points - the two people.


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